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Fabric Datamart Bundle

Configuration (Required)FabricConfigurationGeneral configuration options
Model (Required)List<TabularModel>TabularModel definition

Fabric Configuration

The configuration needed to build the model

BronzeConnectionPrefixtrue/falseUse prefix from ConnectionPrefix for the bronze objects (default=true)
BronzeKeepSourceColumnNamestrue/falseUse the source names even when overriden on bronze (default=false)
BronzeTablePrefixStringPrefix for bronze objects with this (default='')
BronzeTableSeparatorStringSeparator to use at objects for bronze (default='_')
GoldTablePrefixStringPrefix for gold objects with this (default='')
GoldTableSeparatorStringSeparator to use at objects for gold (default='_')
DimTablePrefixStringPrefix used for dimensions in the dataplatform
DimkeyPrefix (Required)StringPrefix used for dimensions keys in the dataplatform (for example BK)
TransformationTablePrefixStringPrefix used for transformation objects in the dataplatform (default='T')
SilverConnectionPrefixtrue/falseUse the connection prefix for object names on silver (default=true)
SilverTablePrefixStringPrefix for silver objects with this (default='')
SilverTableSeparatorStringSeparator to use at objects for silver (default='_')
Lakehouses (Required)List<FabricLakehouse>List of lakehouses used in the medallion layer

Fabric Lakehouse

Lakehouse (Required)StringName of the lakehouse for the given layer
Layer (Required)FabricMedallionLayerLayer for the medallion architecture: Bronze, Silver, Gold
Workspace (Required)StringFabric Workspace name (workspace has to exist and user needs access)

Tabular Model

SourceSchemaStringSchema of the table in the source database (default=dm)
TableType (Required)StringType of the table in the model
DataCategoryStringClassification of the table
DescriptionStringDescription of the table
IsGeneratedtrue/falseIs the table included in the model
IsHiddentrue/falseIs the table hidden in the model
Name (Required)StringName of the table in the tabular model
PermittedRolesString[]Roles that have permission to use this table
ProhibitedRolesString[]Roles that are not allowed to use this table
SourceTableStringName of the table in the source database
ReferencesList<Reference>Relations to other tables in the model
Columns (Required)List<TabularColumn>List of columns in the model
MeasuresList<DaxMeasure>List of measures in the model


Table (Required)StringName of the related table
MultiDirectionalFiltertrue/falseIs this both way relation? Use with caution. (default=false)




GroupNameStringThe name of the partition. Should be unique per tabular table. Based on the config this name will be extended with the properties set elsewhere.
PartitionSchemaStringThe schema of the sourceobject, depends on datasourcetype that is used
PartitionSource (Required)StringThe (onelake) sourceobject, depends on datasourcetype that is used
PartitionFilterStringThe filter that should occur on the sourceobject. Provide without WHERE, depends on datasourcetype that is used (example=MyCustomField='LoadThis'
HasPartitionLeftOvertrue/falseCreate a leftover partition when using a partitiontype like (yyyyMM, yyyy, yyyyMMdd). It will create > then last partition (default=true)
ModeStringThe mode that is used for reading the data into tabular (import, directquery or default). Only import is supported (default=import)
IsGeneratedInTabulartrue/falseIs this partition created in the tabular model (default=true)
IsGeneratedInDataplatformtrue/falseIs this partition created in the dataplatform model. Set to false, for a view or a custom implementation. Make sure the requested field are available (default=true)
IsHistorytrue/falseIs this partition used for history purposes. This can be used by the loading mechanism to skip this partition. (default=false)
PartitionTypePartitionTypesThe partitiontype is used to determine the kind of partition is created. More info in the tutorial. (default=All)
PartitionStartNullable<Int32>The partition value to start with when creating the partition. Depending on PartitionType, Size and End it will help with generating the partitions.
PartitionFilterColumnStringThe filter is applied on the column, provided here and should exists in the underlying datasource.
PartitionSizeNullable<Int32>The size of every partition. In other words, how many to skip, before creating another partition. Default = 1
PartitionEndNullable<Int32>End - Start determines how many partitions that will be created. Also taking into account the size of every partition.
PartitionProcessingEndStringUsed as an instruction for the loading of the partition. Not used for generating the partition
LoadLastPartitionsNullable<Int32>Used as an instruction for the loading of the partition. Not used for generating.

Clustered Index


Tabular Column

ClassificationStringClassification of this field. Set to sensitive for fields that should be handled with care.
DataCategoryStringData category of the column
DescriptionStringDescription of the field, used in BI-tools like Power BI and Excel
DisplayFolderStringFolder for this field, used in BI-tools like Power BI and Excel
FormatStringStringFormat string of this field
IsHiddentrue/falseField is hidden from the model (can still be queried)
IsKeytrue/falseField is used as the primary key for this table (default=false)
IsUniquetrue/falseField contains unique values (default=false)
NameStringName of the field in the model, use to override the automatic generated name based on sourcecolumn.
OrderByColumnStringThe field on which this field should order.
PermittedRolesString[]Roles that have permission to use this field
ProhibitedRolesString[]Roles that have no permission to use this field
SummarizeMeasureStringSet the summarization for this field (sum, max, avg etcetera). Use measures instead.
Type (Required)StringType of the field in the model
ColumnSqlFunctionStringBefore loading this column into tabular, use a scalar function on this column. Should be used for masking for example. Can make loading slow. Function should exist in database. Format is fn_YourFunction(0). The column name will be filled into 0
SourceColumn (Required)StringSourcecolumn name, if name is not supplied, this name is used. Automatically camelcase script is applied.
DataTypeStringDatatype of the column. Will be converted to Fabric datatype.

Dax Measure

DescriptionStringExplanation of the measure, will be shown on the mouse over in Power BI. When not provided, the DAX is presented
DisplayFolderStringFolder where the measure will be shown in the user interface of BI-tools like Power BI and Excel
DocumentationStringPlace for documentation. Not used for generating anything at the moment.
ExpressionStringDAX expression for the measure
ExpressionFileStringDAX expression for the measure, based on a file
FormatStringStringFormat string for the measure
FormerNameStringFor renaming, provide a formername and a copy with that will be created, so reports will remain working.
IsHiddentrue/falseHide the measure in the user interface of BI-tools like Power BI and Excel
IsSimpleMeasuretrue/falseIs the measure a simple measure, like a column in a table, or a measure that is based on a DAX expression
NameStringName of the measure
DerivedMeasuresList<DaxDerivedMeasure>List of derived measures based on this measure

Dax Derived Measure

DerivedMeasure (Required)Stringn/a