Fabric Datamart Bundle
Name | Type | Description |
Configuration (Required) | FabricConfiguration | General configuration options |
Model (Required) | List<TabularModel> | TabularModel definition |
Fabric Configuration
The configuration needed to build the model
Name | Type | Description |
BronzeConnectionPrefix | true/false | Use prefix from ConnectionPrefix for the bronze objects (default=true) |
BronzeKeepSourceColumnNames | true/false | Use the source names even when overriden on bronze (default=false) |
BronzeTablePrefix | String | Prefix for bronze objects with this (default='') |
BronzeTableSeparator | String | Separator to use at objects for bronze (default='_') |
GoldTablePrefix | String | Prefix for gold objects with this (default='') |
GoldTableSeparator | String | Separator to use at objects for gold (default='_') |
DimTablePrefix | String | Prefix used for dimensions in the dataplatform |
DimkeyPrefix (Required) | String | Prefix used for dimensions keys in the dataplatform (for example BK) |
TransformationTablePrefix | String | Prefix used for transformation objects in the dataplatform (default='T') |
SilverConnectionPrefix | true/false | Use the connection prefix for object names on silver (default=true) |
SilverTablePrefix | String | Prefix for silver objects with this (default='') |
SilverTableSeparator | String | Separator to use at objects for silver (default='_') |
Lakehouses (Required) | List<FabricLakehouse> | List of lakehouses used in the medallion layer |
Fabric Lakehouse
Name | Type | Description |
Lakehouse (Required) | String | Name of the lakehouse for the given layer |
Layer (Required) | FabricMedallionLayer | Layer for the medallion architecture: Bronze, Silver, Gold |
Workspace (Required) | String | Fabric Workspace name (workspace has to exist and user needs access) |
Tabular Model
Name | Type | Description |
SourceSchema | String | Schema of the table in the source database (default=dm) |
TableType (Required) | String | Type of the table in the model |
DataCategory | String | Classification of the table |
Description | String | Description of the table |
IsGenerated | true/false | Is the table included in the model |
IsHidden | true/false | Is the table hidden in the model |
Name (Required) | String | Name of the table in the tabular model |
PermittedRoles | String[] | Roles that have permission to use this table |
ProhibitedRoles | String[] | Roles that are not allowed to use this table |
SourceTable | String | Name of the table in the source database |
References | List<Reference> | Relations to other tables in the model |
Columns (Required) | List<TabularColumn> | List of columns in the model |
Measures | List<DaxMeasure> | List of measures in the model |
Name | Type | Description |
Table (Required) | String | Name of the related table |
MultiDirectionalFilter | true/false | Is this both way relation? Use with caution. (default=false) |
Name | Type | Description |
Levels | String[] | n/a |
Name | String | n/a |
Name | Type | Description |
GroupName | String | The name of the partition. Should be unique per tabular table. Based on the config this name will be extended with the properties set elsewhere. |
PartitionSchema | String | The schema of the sourceobject, depends on datasourcetype that is used |
PartitionSource (Required) | String | The (onelake) sourceobject, depends on datasourcetype that is used |
PartitionFilter | String | The filter that should occur on the sourceobject. Provide without WHERE, depends on datasourcetype that is used (example=MyCustomField='LoadThis' |
HasPartitionLeftOver | true/false | Create a leftover partition when using a partitiontype like (yyyyMM, yyyy, yyyyMMdd). It will create > then last partition (default=true) |
Mode | String | The mode that is used for reading the data into tabular (import, directquery or default). Only import is supported (default=import) |
IsGeneratedInTabular | true/false | Is this partition created in the tabular model (default=true) |
IsGeneratedInDataplatform | true/false | Is this partition created in the dataplatform model. Set to false, for a view or a custom implementation. Make sure the requested field are available (default=true) |
IsHistory | true/false | Is this partition used for history purposes. This can be used by the loading mechanism to skip this partition. (default=false) |
PartitionType | PartitionTypes | The partitiontype is used to determine the kind of partition is created. More info in the tutorial. (default=All) |
PartitionStart | Nullable<Int32> | The partition value to start with when creating the partition. Depending on PartitionType, Size and End it will help with generating the partitions. |
PartitionFilterColumn | String | The filter is applied on the column, provided here and should exists in the underlying datasource. |
PartitionSize | Nullable<Int32> | The size of every partition. In other words, how many to skip, before creating another partition. Default = 1 |
PartitionEnd | Nullable<Int32> | End - Start determines how many partitions that will be created. Also taking into account the size of every partition. |
PartitionProcessingEnd | String | Used as an instruction for the loading of the partition. Not used for generating the partition |
LoadLastPartitions | Nullable<Int32> | Used as an instruction for the loading of the partition. Not used for generating. |
Name | String | n/a |
Clustered Index
Name | Type | Description |
Columns | String[] | n/a |
DataCompression | String | n/a |
FillFactor | Int32 | n/a |
Online | String | n/a |
StatisticsNoRecompute | String | n/a |
Tabular Column
Name | Type | Description |
Classification | String | Classification of this field. Set to sensitive for fields that should be handled with care. |
DataCategory | String | Data category of the column |
Description | String | Description of the field, used in BI-tools like Power BI and Excel |
DisplayFolder | String | Folder for this field, used in BI-tools like Power BI and Excel |
FormatString | String | Format string of this field |
IsHidden | true/false | Field is hidden from the model (can still be queried) |
IsKey | true/false | Field is used as the primary key for this table (default=false) |
IsUnique | true/false | Field contains unique values (default=false) |
Name | String | Name of the field in the model, use to override the automatic generated name based on sourcecolumn. |
OrderByColumn | String | The field on which this field should order. |
PermittedRoles | String[] | Roles that have permission to use this field |
ProhibitedRoles | String[] | Roles that have no permission to use this field |
SummarizeMeasure | String | Set the summarization for this field (sum, max, avg etcetera). Use measures instead. |
Type (Required) | String | Type of the field in the model |
ColumnSqlFunction | String | Before loading this column into tabular, use a scalar function on this column. Should be used for masking for example. Can make loading slow. Function should exist in database. Format is fn_YourFunction(0). The column name will be filled into 0 |
SourceColumn (Required) | String | Sourcecolumn name, if name is not supplied, this name is used. Automatically camelcase script is applied. |
DataType | String | Datatype of the column. Will be converted to Fabric datatype. |
Dax Measure
Name | Type | Description |
Description | String | Explanation of the measure, will be shown on the mouse over in Power BI. When not provided, the DAX is presented |
DisplayFolder | String | Folder where the measure will be shown in the user interface of BI-tools like Power BI and Excel |
Documentation | String | Place for documentation. Not used for generating anything at the moment. |
Expression | String | DAX expression for the measure |
ExpressionFile | String | DAX expression for the measure, based on a file |
FormatString | String | Format string for the measure |
FormerName | String | For renaming, provide a formername and a copy with that will be created, so reports will remain working. |
IsHidden | true/false | Hide the measure in the user interface of BI-tools like Power BI and Excel |
IsSimpleMeasure | true/false | Is the measure a simple measure, like a column in a table, or a measure that is based on a DAX expression |
Name | String | Name of the measure |
DerivedMeasures | List<DaxDerivedMeasure> | List of derived measures based on this measure |
Dax Derived Measure
Name | Type | Description |
DerivedMeasure (Required) | String | n/a |
Description | String | n/a |
DisplayFolder | String | n/a |
Documentation | String | n/a |
FormatString | String | n/a |
IsHidden | Nullable<true/false> | n/a |
IsSimpleMeasure | true/false | n/a |
Name | String | n/a |
Type | String | n/a |