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Fabric Object Request

The bundle used for fabric items

Configuration (Required)FabricConfigurationGeneral configuration options
Connections (Required)List<FabricConnection>Connections used for the sources
Objects (Required)List<FabricObject>Object definitions of the sources

Fabric Configuration

The configuration needed to build the model

BronzeConnectionPrefixtrue/falseUse prefix from ConnectionPrefix for the bronze objects (default=true)
BronzeKeepSourceColumnNamestrue/falseUse the source names even when overriden on bronze (default=false)
BronzeTablePrefixStringPrefix for bronze objects with this (default='')
BronzeTableSeparatorStringSeparator to use at objects for bronze (default='_')
GoldTablePrefixStringPrefix for gold objects with this (default='')
GoldTableSeparatorStringSeparator to use at objects for gold (default='_')
DimTablePrefixStringPrefix used for dimensions in the dataplatform
DimkeyPrefix (Required)StringPrefix used for dimensions keys in the dataplatform (for example BK)
TransformationTablePrefixStringPrefix used for transformation objects in the dataplatform (default='T')
SilverConnectionPrefixtrue/falseUse the connection prefix for object names on silver (default=true)
SilverTablePrefixStringPrefix for silver objects with this (default='')
SilverTableSeparatorStringSeparator to use at objects for silver (default='_')
Lakehouses (Required)List<FabricLakehouse>List of lakehouses used in the medallion layer

Fabric Lakehouse

Lakehouse (Required)StringName of the lakehouse for the given layer
Layer (Required)FabricMedallionLayerLayer for the medallion architecture: Bronze, Silver, Gold
Workspace (Required)StringFabric Workspace name (workspace has to exist and user needs access)

Fabric Connection

ConnectionName (Required)StringName of the connection
ConnectionPrefix (Required)StringPrefix that will be used when connection prefix is set to true (default) in Configuration

Fabric Object

DataPlatformObjectNameStringTo override the source name that is used in the dataplatform
Connection (Required)StringConnection to use for this object (as defined in connection)
DescriptionStringDescription of the source
Fields (Required)List<FabricAttribute>Fields from the source object
IsActivetrue/falseSet to active for generating this object (default=true)
KeepHistorytrue/falseSet to true if history is required in the silver layer (default=true). Primary key required.
PrefixStringSet a prefix (default = '')
SourceSchemaStringSource schema in the source (if applicable)
SourceTable (Required)StringName of the object in the source

Fabric Attribute

ClassificationClassificationTypeSet the classification of a field (sensitive, restricted, internal, public (default = public)
IsActivetrue/falseAttribute is active (default=true)
IsNullabletrue/falseAttribute can be null (default = true)
IsPrimaryKeytrue/falseAttribute is part of the primary key (default = false)
NameStringTo override the name used in the dataplatform (default is the sourcecolumn name used)
SourceColumn (Required)StringName of the attribute in the source system
SourceDataType (Required)StringDatatype of the source (use source datatype, will be converted to dataplatform types automatically)