Easy Tabular Configuration
Easy Tabular works with a couple of yaml (or json) files to generate the tabular model. To generate the correct model, it needs to understand the underlying datawarehouse/dataplatform. The underlying dataplatform has to supply the tables in a certain way (star-schema).
The following YAML files are available (* = mandatory):
- configuration.yaml*
- model.yaml*
- measure folder (multiple files with measures)
- measuretemplates.yaml
- roles.yaml
- formatstrings.yaml
tabularname: Default Model
compatibilityLevel: 1600
tabularSystemFolder: System
tabularHiddenFolder: Hidden
sourceQueryCulture: en-US
datasourceName: DefaultDs
connectionString: data source=.database.windows.net;persist security info=true;user id=;encrypt=true;trustservercertificate=false;Initial
databaseSchema: dm
dimkeyPostfix: ID
dimPrefix: Dim_
addMembers: trueCatalog=Datawarehouse
modelFolder: Models
modelFile: model.yaml
roleFile: roles.yaml
measureTemplateFile: measuretemplates.yaml
measureFolder: Measures
formatStringFile: formatstrings.yaml